Sunday, July 20, 2008

Healing & Strength

Witches are known for their powers of healing. Herbs and botanical magic are particular areas of study for one of my covenmates. Some folks are drawn to study, divination, and astrology. Not this gal, she is a wealth of knowledge about healing remedies and magic. When a friend became particularly ill with a infected insect bite, she offered this working on his behalf, in addition to the internal and topical medicines applied. ***

For this spell, you will need:
  • A Strength Tarot card
  • A bowl or chalice
  • Spring water
  • lavender Essential Oil
  • Myrrh resin or incense
  • Charcoal for resin/granuale myrrh
  • White or blue candle
  • Lavender flowers
  • Bell or chime
  • optional: power item of the recipient of the working, a pine cone in this case

  1. Set up altar
  2. East: Myrrh incense
  3. South: White candle anointed with lavender oil. Arrange lavender flowers in a star shape around the candle
  4. West: Chalice with spring water
  5. North: Strength Card and personal item
  6. Cast circle, invoking Brigid, the great mother & Goddess of Healing
  7. East: Spirits of the East, powers of Air. I ask for the dawn of a new day. I ask that all information be made available to heal my friend. I ask that his intuition guide him, that he may know at any given moment, what will heal him quickly with ease and grace. I ask that this be done for his highest good and for the highest good of all.
  8. Light incense
  9. South: Spirits of the South, powers of Fire. I ask that you restore balance in his body and remove the angry heat in his leg. May your light and warmth be a comfort to him. I ask that you transform this disease and infection, with ease and grace. I ask that this be done for his highest good and for the highest good of all.
  10. Light candle
  11. West: Spirits of the West, powers of Water. Brigid, Mother Goddess of us all, I ask that your cooling waters soothe and refresh my friend. May he drink deeply from you healing well, the sacred chalice. I ask that you restore balance to the water in his body with ease and grace. I ask that this be done for his highest good and for the highest good of all.
  12. Sprinkle Water
  13. North: Spirits of the North, powers of Earth. I ask that you he feel your grounding and nurturing support. I ask that he have all the strength and courage needed to be well. I ask that all the foods, plants and minerals that will aid in this healing are provided to him with ease and grace. I ask that this be done for his highest good and for the highest good of all.
  14. Meditate on the Strength card while ringing the bell or chime.
  15. Send the energy and spiral out of the circle (close). Leave the candle lit until it is burned down entirely.

***This is in no way meant to take the place of professional advice from a naturopath, herbalist or physician. Please add your spells to whatever treatment is recommended by your practitioner.

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